WildThings Rescue Nursery Native Plants with purpose

Aster/Symphyotrichum laevis (Smooth Blue Aster)

​Another late season food source for our Pollinators.

This NY Native has a height ranging from 2-4 feet.

Wildlife Benefits:

Larval host for the Pearl Crescent Butterfly.

Birds love the seeds.

​Gallon Pot $15.00​​

Asclepias incarnata (Swamp Milkweed)
A tough-as-nails plant that will not only reward you with it's beauty, but will also bring butterflies and pollinators to your gardens.
Does not need to be in a wet garden, despite it's common name. Does beautifully in drier beds, too, in full sun.
Benefits to wildlife: Nectar source for many butterflies, pollinators and hummingbirds, larval host plant for Monarch, specifically.
Gallon Pot $15.00

Allium cernuum (Nodding Onion)
A very pretty native pink nodding, ornamental onion, with very long bloom season and super easy to grow in a well draining soil and full sun.
Height 1 to 2 feet.
Wildlife benefits: VERY HIGH Wildlife value! This plants serves as a nectar plant for 20 Native Lepidoptera species! Also a nectar source for native bees and hummingbirds. (Our are always a flurry of activity from the honey bees we keep.)
Gallon Pot $15.00

Aster/Doellingeria umbellata (Flat Top Aster)

This is a new Aster for us...and one of my favorites!

A very late season bloomer with strong upright stems that typically grows near water, (likes it moist)

and a nice variation from all the blues & purples you typically see in Asters.

Wildlife Benefits:

​Larval host for the rare Harris Checkerspot

​and also attracts long & short-tounge Bees, wasps, flies & many Butterflies.

​Gallon Pot $15.00

Agastache nepetoides (Giant Yellow Hyssop)
A butterfly, pollinator and hummer magnet!
And such a unique architectural statement for the sunny perennial border at it's 6-7 feet in height!
Must have good drainage.
Wildlife benefits: Valuable nectar source for hummingbirds and many butterfly species. All pollinators also flock to it in droves!
Gallon Pot $15.00

Rare semi-well behaved Milkweed. (LIMITED)

Gorgeous dark purpley- pink blooms,

and also a larval host for the Monarch Butterfly.

Very nectar rich, which also attracts many other pollinators & Butterflies.

4" Pot 15.00

Asclepias speciosa (Showy Milkweed)

Similar in appearance to the common A. syriaca, but better manners.

​Any sunny, well draining site will do.

Wildlife Benefits: Nectar source for many, but larval host plant for the Monarchs, specifically.

Pint Pot $15.00

Aquilegia canadensis (Wild Columbine)
Great early color for the native garden, in sun to a partially shaded bed with good drainage. 1-3 feet in height and very long lasting blooms.
Wildlife Benefits: Nectar source for Bumbles Bees and Ruby-throated Hummingbirds. Larval host plant for the Columbine Duskywing.
Gallon Pot $15.00

Amsonia tabernaemontana DWARF Form (Dwarf Blue Star)
A shorter, more compact variety of Blue Star, getting only 1 to 2' tall here in the gardens.

Likes a moist, sandy soil in sun to partial shade.
Wildlife Benefits: A favorite nectar source of Butterflies, Hummingbirds, Hummingbird Moths and Long-Tongued Bees.
Gallon Pot $15.00

Amsonia tabernaemontana (Tall Blue Star)
A sturdy, drought tolerant native, getting about 3 1/2' tall here in the gardens, and loving a moist, sandy soil in sun to partial shade.
Wildlife Benefits: A favorite nectar source of Butterflies, Hummingbirds, Hummingbird Moths and Long-Tongued Bees.
Gallon Pot $15.00

Asclepias purpurescens

​​​Asclepias tuberosa (Orange Butterfly Weed)
Another must have for the native butterfly garden. Brilliant color. Drought tolerant and a Monarch larval host plant. One of the shorter Milkweeds, only getting about 2 feet tall, here in the gardens.
Wildlife benefits: Nectar source for many butterflies, pollinators and hummingbirds, larval host plant for Monarch, specifically.
*Will not tolerate poor drainage or an alkaline soil. 
Gallon Pot $15.00

Asclepias verticillata

A white blooming, narrow leaf Milkweed, native to NY that has proven to be the Monarch caterpillar's favorite food, by far, of all the Milkweeds.

Moist, but well draining soil and sun.

Wildlife Benefits: Nectar source for many butterflies, pollinators and hummingbirds, larval host plant for Monarch, specifically.

​Gallon Pot $15.00

Agastache foeniculum (Anise Hyssop)

 *Not a NY Native

But a pollinator MAGNET with super long bloom time and well worth putting in your pollinator garden.

Gallon Pot $15.00

Aster novae-angliae /Symphyotrichum (New England Aster)
Gorgeous late season color and smothered in dark purple blooms. One of the busiest gathering places in the Fall Garden. Always a flurry of activity.
A tall Native Aster getting about 3- 4 feet tall, and also gets quite bushy, so likes a bit of room.
Wildlife Benefits: Where to begin? Bumbles and Honey Bees love the pollen & nectar, as do many other Long Tongued and Short Tongued Bees, Butterflies and Skippers. A larval host plant for many Moth species.
Gallon Pot $15.00

​Aster (Symphyotrichum)  oblongifolius

The latest blooming aster (or any plant, for that matter), which means late season it is a pollinator party!

Always covered with activity, and even blooms through freeze.

Wildlife Benefits:

Larval host for Silvery Checkerspot and Crescents

Gallon Pot $15.00

Sun-Lovers Page 1 (A-Aster)

Antennaria plantaginifolia (Pussy Toes)

A wonderful dense groundcover with silvery fuzzy foliage and soft flowers resembling a kitten's paw.

​Wildlife Benefits: Flowers are visited by small bees.

​Larval host for the American Painted Lady Butterfly.

6" Pot $12.00