WildThings Rescue Nursery Native Plants with purpose

Hydrangea arborescens (Native Hydrangea)
One of our native Hydrangeas, getting smothered with lace-cap like blooms that last for over a month!
This Hydrangea is a reliable bloomer, and will take quite a bit of sun, but appreciates some shade during the hottest part of the day.
Wildlife benefits:  Nectar and pollen for Bumbles any many other native bees. Larval host plant for the Hydrangea Sphinx Moth and The Hydrangea Leaf-Tier Moth.

*This straight species provides abundant pollen and nectar whereas it's hybrid cultivar cousins are sterile and do NOT.
Hardy to zone 3.
2 Gallon pot $35.00

Cephalanthus occidentalis (Buttonbush)

Big beautiful leaves with new growth red tinged, and the most unusual white blooms, resembling furry golf balls. Excellent native shrub for and landscape!
Sun to a bit of shade in a moist, well draining soil.
Wildlife benefits: *HIGH WILDLIFE VALUE! Excellent nectar plant for numerous species of Butterflies including zebra swallowtail, painted lady, hairstreaks, skippers, & Horace’s duskywing). Also a nectar source for Hummingbirds, native Bees and Pollinators. Seed late season provides food for birds.

​2 Gallon $30.00

3 Gallon $50.00

Amelanchier canadensis (Serviceberry)
Native shrub with open branching habit, that is covered in white blooms early spring, before leafing out. A very showy plant in berry, too!
Easy in sun to partial shade with moist, but well draining soil.
Wildlife benefits: Fruit is an important food source for many birds, and when in flower, it is a nectar source for native bees.
1 Gallon pots $20.00

Ptlea trifoliata (Hop Tree or Wafer Ash)

​A "Dwarf" tree (20') with beautiful form.

Wildlife Benefits: Flowers are visited by small bees & wasps.

Larval host for the Giant Swallowtail.

​3 Gallon Pot $40.00

Myrica pensylvanica (Northern Bayberry)

I love to run the branches through my hands to release its exquisite fragrance.

Very attractive shrub with glossy leaves and unique berries.

Suckers out to form large colonies. Salt tolerant.

​Wildlife Benefits: Important source of winter food for birds.

​Larval host for the Columbia Silk Moth. Tiny flowers attract Butterflies.

​1 Gallon Pot $25.00

Plantanus occidentalis (Sycamore Tree)

This is a tree that needs a lot of room and appreciates a moist soil.​

*What we have in stock now is Battenkill Eco-type.

Wildlife Benefits: Larval host for Great Purple Hairstreak & Tiger Swallowtail.

​Larval host for Sycamore Tussock Moth & Drab Prominent.

Seeds are a good source of food for birds in Winter.

​7 Gallon Pot $125.00

Ilex verticillata (Winterberry)

Our Native Holly, deciduous, but with thick glossy foliage, and brilliant red berry clusters late Fall into Winter. 5-15 feet tall at maturity. Spreads.

Likes a moist, well draining, slightly acidic soil and partial shade.

Hardy zone 4.

Wildlife Benefits: Flowers visited by native bees, Berries are a food source for song birds and game birds. Larval host plant for the Harris' Three-Spot Moth and the Black-Shouldered Gray Moth.

3 Gallon Pot $30.00

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Aronia malanocarpa (Black Chokeberry)
This is an all around, every season, beautiful and useful Native shrub! Great looking foliage, be it Spring or Fall. Darling clusters of white blooms that later turn into attractive blue-ish black berry clusters.
Likes a moist, well draining soil and sun.
Wildlife benefits: Flowers are an early source of pollen and nectar. Berries are very beneficial to birds as a food source. 
Hardy to zone 4.

1 Gallon Pot $20.00

​2 Gallon Pot 35.00

Calycanthus floridus (Sweetshrub)

Beautiful native shrub for partial shade.

Unique blossoms, wonderful fragrance to the entire plant, and thick glossy leaves.

Wildlife Benefits: Blooms are often visited often by Butterflies

Hardy to zone 4.

1 Gallon Pot $20.00

Cornus sericea (Red Twig Dogwood)

Who doesn't love the brilliant red of this Dogwood in Winter?

A native shrub with high wildlife value AND all season eye-appeal.

Sun to partial shade and a moist but well draining soil.
Wildlife Benefits: As with all Cornus, great benefit to wildlife. Flowers produce nectar & pollen for butterflies and many native bees, while berries provide food for wood ducks, songbirds and gamebirds. 
Gallon Pot $20.00

Clethra alnifolia Ruby Spice (Summersweet)
This showy Native Shrub is so easy to grow, and will produce many sweet smelling pink bottlebrush blooms in Summer, that will be appreciated by both humans and a wide range of butterfly species! Also has nice Fall Foliage.
Likes sun and a moist, but well draining soil.
Wildlife benefits: Adored by Native Bees, Butterflies and Hummingbirds for it's plentiful nectar. Many birds dine on it's seed.
Hardy to zone 4.
3 Gallon Pot $40.00

Cornus racemosa (Gray Dogwood)

A very attractive shrub both in bloom and in berry.

Superb choice for the hard to grow situations, as it is tolerant of both poor soils and drought.

Gets about 7 feet tall here and does spread out.
Wildlife Benefits: *HIGH WILDLIFE VALUE! Flowers nectar and pollen attract a wide variety of insects, including bumblebees, honeybees, little carpenter bees (Ceratina spp.), cuckoo bees (Nomada spp.), Halictid bees, masked bees (Hylaeus spp.), Andrenid bees, miscellaneous wasps AND Butterflies.

Larval host plant for many Moth species.

Berries an important source of food for birds and many mammals.

1 Gallon Pot 20.00

Ceanothus americanus (NJ Tea)
Very showy dwarf Native shrub, only getting about 3' tall, and getting loaded with exquisite, pristine white blossoms in early spring.
Sun and a moist, well draining soil.
Wildlife Benefits: Very early and valuable nectar source for Butterflies and many Bees. Seed a food source for ground birds. Larval host plant for Spring Azure,  Summer Azure and Mottled Duskywing. 
1 Gallon pot $20.00

​2 Gallon Pot $30.00

Magnolia virginiana (Sweetbay Magnolia)
This Native treasure is one of my favorites.
Thick glossy leaves, with fabulous spicy fragrance when bruised, and the single petal white blossoms are simply elegant.
Likes a slightly acidic soil, moist with good drainage, and protection from wind.
Wildlife benefits: Larval host and nectar source for the beautiful Sweetbay Silkmoth, Spicebush Swallowtail and the Eastern Tiger Swallowtail.
Proven hardy in our zone 4 gardens for better than 10 years.
1 Gallon pot $25.00

Magnolia tripetala (Cucumber Magnolia)

One of my favorite Native Magnolias.

​With its massive leaves and blooms...looks like something from the Jurassic era.

I currently have small 3rd year seedlings in pint pots, but they do grow fast!

​Wildlife Benefits: Seeds are food for birds.

Flowers smell like wet dog, so pollinated by flies & beetles.

Pint Pot $20.00

Aralia spinosa (Devil's Walking Stick)

Big showy leaves and giant cotton candy blooms that are laden with all kinds of pollinators for nearly a month in late summer.

Cedar Waxwings, Sparrows & Thrushes eat the berries.

1 Gallon Pot $25.00

​3 Gallon Pot $ 40.00

Itea virginica (Virginia Sweetspire)

*We typically have the straight species and the dwarf "Henry's Garnet"

Stunning shrub from bloom to fall foliage.

Sun to partial shade is best.

Wildlife Benefits: Valuable source of food for Bees, butterflies & other Pollinators.

Larval host for Henry's Elfin Butterfly

​1 gallon Pot 25.00

Aronia arbutifolia (Red Chokeberry)
Great looking Native Shrub for all seasons. Thick glossy dark green leaves that turn burgundy in fall with showy red berries, (for as long as they last before the birds gobble them up.)
Prefers sun and a moist, but well draining soil.
Wildlife Benefits:Nutrient rich source of food for the birds in winter.
1 Gallon Pot $20.00

2 Gallon Pot $35.00

Rhododendron species (Deciduous Azaleas)

We do a variety of Native Azaleas, (Swamp, Sweet, Piedmont)

Availability is constantly changing)

These deciduous Azaleas are the crown jewel of a Woodland Garden,

preferring the edges. where it gets some cool sun.

​Wildlife Benefits: Nectar attracts Bees, Hummingbirds & Butterflies.

​3 Gallon Pot $60.00

Cercis canadensis (Redbud)
One of our favorite native under story trees, for both the heart-shaped leaves and the lovely pink dangling blossoms in early Spring!
Has proven perfectly hardy here in our zone 4 gardens, but really does like some protection from wind.

Hardy to zone 5.
Wildlife benefits: Nectar source for many native bees and pollinators, as well as butterflies. Especially fond of Redbud Nectar is the Zebra Swallowtail, Gray Hairstreak & Juniper (olive) Hairstreak, Dreamy Duskywing, Juvenal’s Duskywing, & Sleepy Duskywing, Spring Azure, Dusky Azure, & Silvery Blue. Larval host for Henry's Elfin Butterfly.
1 Gallon pot $20.00

Hamamelis vernalis (Ozark Witch Hazel)
A Red blooming Witch Hazel, with small, but very unique blooms, that appear in late Winter/Early Spring, before the shrub grows it's leaves.
Likes sun to partial shade, slightly acidic soil and good drainage. Can reach 15' to 20' in height, but is slow growing. 
Wildlife Benefits: Larval host for many Moth species. Seeds are food source for game birds.
1 Gallon Pot $20.00

Lindera benzoin (Spicebush)
A full, good looking native shrub, with lovely glossy foliage and pale yellow blooms, that later give the striking show of bright red berry clusters.
Likes sun to partial shade and a moist, well draining soil on the limy side.
Wildlife benefits: Birds enjoy it's berries and it is also a larval host plant for the Eastern Tiger Swallowtail and Spicebush Swallowtail.
Hardy to zone 4.
1 Gallon pot 20.00

Euonymus americanus (Strawberry Bush)

A dwarf deciduous shrub with the most unusual seed-heads. (This is one of those plants that are more interesting in seed than flower.)

Very easy in nearly any soil with good drainage, and partial sun.

Wildlife Benefits: Larval host plant for the Pyralid Moth and the American Ermine Moth. Fruit is food for wild game birds.

1 Gallon Pot $25.00

Fothergilla "Mount Airy" (Dwarf Fothergilla)

Beautiful dwarf shrub with large, fragrant bottle-brush blooms.

Gets about 4' tall at maturity, and does tend to spread out.

Gorgeous fall foliage.

Sun to partial shade and good drainage. Appreciates a slightly acidic soil.

Hardy to zone 4.

Wildlife Benefits: Nectar source for butterflies and many native pollinators.

1 Gallon Pot 20.00