WildThings Rescue Nursery Native Plants with purpose
Verbena hastata (Vervain)
Our NY Vervain, liking a moist soil.
Blooms are typically a very dark purple.Always covered in Butterflies & pollinators.
Wildlife Benefits: Larval host for Common Buckeye Butterfly & The Verbena Moth.
Attracts both long & short-tounge bees.
Many Butterflies enjoy it's nectar.
Gallon Pot $15.00
Thermopsis caroliniana (False Yellow Lupine)
Drought tolerant and stunning. This late spring bloomer appears more shrub-like at maturity than a herbaceous perennial. Mature stand will be about 5' X 5'. Beefy!
Full sun to partial shade and excellent drainage. (Seems to really appreciate a sandy soil.)
Wildlife benefits: Nectar source for both Native Bees and Butterflies.
Hardy to zone 4.
Gallon Pot $15.00.
Vernonia gigantea/altissima (Giant Ironweed)
A NY Native Ironweed, that truly IS a giant.
Gets about 8' tall here in the gardens, and provides vibrant color late season.
Full sun. Good drainage.
Wildlife Benefits: Nectar source for bee flies, butterflies, skippers, and many Long-tounged bees. Larval host plant for several Moth species.
Gallon Pot 15.00
Solidago speciosa (Showy Goldenrod)
Well behaved, Huge dense pyramids of blossoms, and very long bloom time, this is a treasure of a Goldenrod, reaching up to 4' tall.
Full sun and any soil.
Hardy to zone 3.
Wildlife Benefits: Late season nectar for honeybees, bumblebees, ants, beetles, moths and butterflies.
Gallon Pot $15.00
Veronicastrum virginicum (Culvers Root)
Sturdy, stately white blooms always covered in pollinator activity.
Very drought tolerant.
Gallon Pot 15.00
Zizia aurea (Golden Alexander)
Vernonia lettermannii (Narrowleaf Ironweed)
Another well manner dwarf Ironweed, but with wispy fine foliage, and only getting about 2 1/2 feet tall here. (Arkansas Native)
Blooms a bit later than the other Vernonias, but still gets loaded with blossoms that persist until frost for us.
Likes full sun and good drainage.
Wildlife Benefits: Adored by Butterflies and Hummingbird Moths, as well as Skippers.
Gallon Pot $15.00
Silene Regia (Royal Catchfly)
Brilliant, eye-catching red blooms on 2-3 foot stems, this is an extremely showy Native for the sunny garden.
Wildlife Benefits: Swallowtail Butterflies and Ruby-throated Hummingbirds love the nectar! many other larger Butterflies also visit the flowers quite frequently in the gardens.
Pint Pot $15.00
Vernonia glauca (Dwarf Ironweed)
A shorter version of our native Ironweed, only getting about 3-4 feet tall, and having broader, beefier leaves.
Likes full sun and any well draining soil.
Wildlife benefits: Important nectar source for MANY Butterflies, Native Bees and pollinators late season. Seeds serve as a plentiful food source for birds.
Hardy to zone 4.
Gallon Pot $15.00
Silphium laciniatum (Compass Plant)
HUGE native for the sunny Pollinator Garden, getting about 10 feet tall and blooming Mid-Summer.
Reminiscent of a Dandelion on steroids. A very impressive plant.
Full sun and good drainage.
Wildlife Benefits: Pollen and nectar for Long-tongued bees, bumblebees, Miner bees, large Leaf-Cutting bees, Short-tongued Halictid bees and Syrphid flies.
Butterflies also visit for nectar.
Gallon Pot $15.00
Picture coming soon
Solidago rigida (Stiff Goldenrod)
VERY late blooming Goldenrod that provides food for pollinators right to the bitter end!
(This is a well-behaved Goldenrod that will not take over your garden)
Gallon Pot 15.00
Verbena stricta (Hoary Vervain)
Gorgeous, long blooming spires of lavender that draw butterflies by the dozens! Reaching about 2 feet in height.
Easy in sun and any well draining soil.
Wildlife benefits: Larval host plant for the Common Buckeye Butterfly. Eastern Black Swallowtail also enjoys sipping it's nectar!
Hardy to zone 4.
Gallon pot $15.00
Sun-Lovers Page 5 (Si-Z)
Solidago flexicaulis aureovariegata (Variegated Zig-Zag Goldenrod)
A yellow variegated Goldenrod. (And a well behaved goldenrod, at that!) Gorgeous yellow splashed leaves and vertical yellow blooms in mid to late Summer. Gets about 2-3 feet tall, and doubles in width each year.
Easy plant to grow in sun and any soil.
Wildlife Benefits: Blooms attract Long tongued Bees, Small Tongued Bees and Butterflies. Larval host plant for many Moth species.
Hardy to zone 4.
Gallon Pot $15.00
Solidago uliginosa (Bog Goldenrod)
A well behaved, shorter Goldenrod tolerant of soggier soils.
Still a Pollinator magnet.
Wildlife Benefits:Larval host to Wavy Lined Emerald.
Pollen source for many specialized bees.
Butterflies also love this plant as a nectar source.
Seeds are a food source for many songbirds.
Gallon Pot $15.00
Vernonia noveboracensis (NY Ironweed)
A tall, (5 to 8 feet), late blooming beauty with vibrant color when much of the rest of the garden is finished blooming.
Likes full sun and any well draining soil.
Wildlife Benefits: Always covered in nectaring Butterflies here, and the seeds are a favorite food for songbirds.
Gallon Pot $15.00